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What, not who, is your biggest competitor? It's a term you learned in physics class for matter that remains in an existing state of rest or motion unless that state is changed by an external force. It's inertia—and you're the external force.

How can you be the external force that shifts clients from a state of inertia and inspires good decision-making? We believe the principles of positive psychology are the antidote to inertia.

Chasing Positivity® is a practice management framework that incorporates these principles through the application of 3 Dynamics:

  • Communicating empathically: Taking the other person's perspective, listening carefully and asking questions out of genuine interest during conversation.
  • Collaborating consciously: Actively listening to ensure others feel that their opinions matter, and that they're part of the decision-making process.
  • Inspiring action: Using words and phrases rooted in positive psychology to create motivating environments.

Leverage the 3 Dynamics the next time a client conversation is stuck in a state of inertia. You can be the external force that turns complacency into action.

Bottom line: Make a list of every client who asked you to "circle back after the holidays" and seek to bring the 3 Dynamics to each conversation.

Leverage the 3 Dynamics the next time a client conversation is stuck in a state of inertia. You can be the external force that turns complacency into action.

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